Title: SPRGRAB Author: Digital Interactive Version: 1.10 Supplier: Joseph Davighi <94103504JD@nene.ac.uk> Machine: Archimedes Operating system: RISCOS Other s/ware needed: RISC OS 3.10 or later Short: Screen grabber Description: Sprite Grabber is a utility which allows the user to 'grab' parts of the desktop as sprites. Here is a list of Sprite Grabber's features: - Grab windows - User can specify which parts of the window are to be included - Grab menus - Grab-delay timer - Add masks to grabbed sprites - Include palette information with sprites - Adjustable area-grab rectangle - Grab entire desktop screen - Hide icon-bar icon during grabbing procedure - Save status of options - Save sprites held in ROM - Save sprites held in RAM - Hot-key short-cuts for grabbing windows/menus and areas.